Rebuildble tanks could be a bit confusing to get into, despite their numerous advantages. No worries! Keep reading to clear up any confusion you may have.
To put it simply, rebuildable tanks are tanks which you build yourself. Rebuildable tanks come in many different variations, though there are four main ones, each referred to by an acronym starting with the letter ‘’R’’ for rebuildable.
You could say this term is a somewhat all-inclusive term for any atomizer which has a deck in which you could set your own coil and wick into, meaning it’s a general term used to describe a rebuildable tank head. Additionally, many sub ohm tanks feature an RBA section.
This term refers to an RBA which has a deck with posts to anchor coils. Upon heating and vaping, RDA’s are designed in order for e-liquid to be dripped directly onto the coil and wick. RDA’s are known to deliver a pure, flavorous vape, along with tremendous amounts of vapour when paired with low resistance coils and vaped at high powers of over 100 watts.
An RTA is a rebuildable tank which has a deck with posts which are sheltered by a metal chamber cap, which is surrounded by an area meant to hold e-liquid. Following this, the chamber cap will attach to a chimney, which will then send vapour into the drip tip. E-liquid then falls around the chamber cap, then through the slots or wick channels found on the outer edge of this build in order for e-liquid to be transported to the coils to be vaporized.
RDTA stands for Rebuildable Dripping Tank Atomizer, meaning it combines the traits of RDA’s and RTA’s together. The deck found on an RDTA can be comparable to that of an RDA, though the tank section below could drop e-liquid without the need of constant dripping. The decks of RDTA’s can often hold 1-2 coils which sits above the tank section and does not have a chimney system like that of an RTA.
Are Rebuildable Tanks Suitable For Beginners?
The only down-side associated with rebuildable tanks are the learning curve related to building them. It takes a lot of effort and dedication to build a tank which ensures a great vaping experience, but if you’re up for it, no ones stopping you!
Advantages Of Using Rebuildable Tanks
The biggest advantage of using rebuildable tanks has to be the complete control you’re given over your vaping experience. You have complete freedom towards choosing your preferred coil type, resistance, wattage, wick, etc. You can experiment as much as you want with them, and that process could be quite fun, especially when you’re getting a few vapes out of it! And trust us, you’ll definitely enjoy these vapes. Rebuildable tanks are known to offer the best flavour deliverance possible, and you can tweak with your vape to your personal preferences. Along with this is sustainability, since you’re building your own tank, it’s likely to last you much longer than a pre-built one as its built for your specific vaping style. For example, the coils used with rebuildable tanks could last much longer than those made in factories if maintained correctly.
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