Let’s talk about Tanks!
The tank is a fundamental part of your vape which can make the biggest difference when it comes to your ideal vaping experience. There’s a lot of different kinds of tanks to cater for each kind of vaper’s needs. Let’s go through each type of tank so that you make sure you know which type is the right type for you.
MTL Tanks
Mouth to Lung tanks, also known as cigarette replacement tanks are the go-to tanks for low power vapes, with low wattage outputs. These tanks have a small mouthpiece and a restrictive airflow to feel as close as possible to a cigarette and usually cater for mid to high resistance coils of between 0.6 OHM and above 1 OHM. MTL tanks utilize cigarette replacement liquids, which are high in PG and can contain large amounts of nicotine.
DTL / Sub-Ohm Tanks
Direct to lung tanks can take up higher power and have a more open airflow to give you more focus on flavour and vapour production, rather than the feel of a cigarette. These tanks utilize mid to low resistance coils, below 0.6 OHM going as low as 0.15 OHM. These tanks utilize liquids which are higher in VG, ideally 50/50 or 70/30, since high PG liquids are too thin for these tanks and can leak.
Rebuildable Tanks
Rebuildables come in 3 sub-types;
Rebuildable Dripper Atomizers or RDA’s are platforms where you build your own coil, shove a piece of cotton through it and drip liquid directly onto it in order to vape. These are called drippers because you’re going to be needing to drip liquid onto them constantly unless you want to end up with a dry hit, which with the power that these coils can handle, can taste really really bad. But if used right, these tanks can use coils that can easily handle over 200 watts, giving you massive clouds filled with mouthfuls of detailed flavour.
Rebuildable tank atomizers or RTA’s are like an RDA, but the coil platform has a tank around it which can carry liquid and send it to the atomizer like a normal tank would, however this means you have less building space for your DIY coils and the coil platform isn’t as easy to access as on an RDA, but hey, at least these get rid of that constant need to drip liquid onto your coils!
Rebuildable dripper tank atomizers are the best of both worlds, but they sacrifice size in order to be able to give you both a tank and an RDA platform, on top of eachother, sort of like a double decker, so that you still have all the space you need for those big coil builds, and cotton that seeps through to underneath, where you can fill a tank with liquid, which is then sucked upwards by the cotton, into the coil. Pretty convenient if bulkiness isn’t one of your problems!
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